Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 13th Annual congress on Vaccines, Therapeutics & Travel Medicine : Influenza and Infectious diseases Atlanta Georgia, USA.

Day :

  • Status of vaccines research and methodology
Location: Challahoochee A


Steven E Pincus

Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies, USA


Steven Pincus obtained his Biochemistry from the State University of NY at Buffalo.  He obtained  post-doctoral training in the microbiology department at the State University of NY at Stony Brook.  Over his career he has held multiple positions at Virogenetics, Elusys Therapeutics and Novavax where he has developed  vaccines and monoclonal antibody therapeutics against viral and  microbial targets and supporting these projects with the development of appropriate analytical methods.  At Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies Texas ( a CDMO) he is AVP Virology and Analytical Development.  He leads teams working with tissue culture, virus propagation and methods transfer/development for multiple clients.  


Multiple virus vectors are being developed as vaccines, therapeutic deliverly systems and as oncolytic treatments for cancers.  Classical approaches to produce viruses have  included a limited number of cell lines (CEF, Vero) grown in roller bottles or in suspension attached to microcarriers.  To produce high dose bulk drug substance for the newer vectors alternative cell lines (duck cells, retina cells, kidney cells) are being developed that can be grown in suspension culture.  Since many cell lines are difficult to adopt to suspension culture alternative ways of growing large numbers of adherent  cells are being developed which allow cultivation of large numbers of cells in a reduced footprint compared to that required with tissue culture flasks or roller bottles.  Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies Texas  is a contract development and manufacturing  organization  speciallizing in production of viral therapeutics and vaccines.  To meet the needs of clients we are evaluating several adherent cell production  technologies for their ability to support the growth of cell lines and  production of virus.   We are evaluating suspension cell lines from alternative sources for their growth and ability to produce virus and to examine whether the use of alternative media can improve the productivity of a less favorable suspension cell line. Virus infectious titer is determined by TCID50, plaque assay, immuno staining and FACS titration.Total virus particles can be determined by HPLC methods  FACS and immunostain can evaluate the titer based on expression of an inserted gene to maintain a potent virus population.

  • Influenza Epidemiology and Diseases Management


Doa’a Ahmed Saleh

Cairo University, Egypt

  • Influenza Treatment & Therapies


Ahdi Amer

Wayne State University School of Medicine, USA

  • Status of vaccines research and methodology | Influenza Epidemiology and Diseases Management | Influenza Treatment & Therapies | Ethical Issues in Pandemic Influenza Virus | Recent Advancement in Influenza Vaccine


Ahdi Amer

Wayne State University School of Medicine, USA


Steven Pincus obtained his Biochemistry from the State University of NY at Buffalo.  He obtained  post-doctoral training in the microbiology department at the State University of NY at Stony Brook.  Over his career he has held multiple positions at Virogenetics, Elusys Therapeutics and Novavax where he has developed  vaccines and monoclonal antibody therapeutics against viral and  microbial targets and supporting these projects with the development of appropriate analytical methods.  At Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies Texas ( a CDMO) he is AVP Virology and Analytical Development.  He leads teams working with tissue culture, virus propagation and methods transfer/development for multiple clients.  


Multiple virus vectors are being developed as vaccines, therapeutic deliverly systems and as oncolytic treatments for cancers.  Classical approaches to produce viruses have  included a limited number of cell lines (CEF, Vero) grown in roller bottles or in suspension attached to microcarriers.  To produce high dose bulk drug substance for the newer vectors alternative cell lines (duck cells, retina cells, kidney cells) are being developed that can be grown in suspension culture.  Since many cell lines are difficult to adopt to suspension culture alternative ways of growing large numbers of adherent  cells are being developed which allow cultivation of large numbers of cells in a reduced footprint compared to that required with tissue culture flasks or roller bottles.  Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies Texas  is a contract development and manufacturing  organization  speciallizing in production of viral therapeutics and vaccines.  To meet the needs of clients we are evaluating several adherent cell production  technologies for their ability to support the growth of cell lines and  production of virus.   We are evaluating suspension cell lines from alternative sources for their growth and ability to produce virus and to examine whether the use of alternative media can improve the productivity of a less favorable suspension cell line. Virus infectious titer is determined by TCID50, plaque assay, immuno staining and FACS titration.Total virus particles can be determined by HPLC methods  FACS and immunostain can evaluate the titer based on expression of an inserted gene to maintain a potent virus population.


Doa’a Ahmed Saleh is a Professor of Public Health, Preventive and Social Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt. She teaches epidemiology and public health and leads research in communicable and non-communicable diseases and health system research.


Egypt was affected by the influenza A (H1N1) 2009 pandemic, which was the last influenza pandemic in the 20th century. It is not possible to predict neither the timing nor the impact of future influenza pandemics. Thus, it is recommended that influenza pandemic plans be prepared and updated regularly. Plans should consider the health care workers’ preparedness to face such infectious pandemics. The aim of this study was to assess the nurses’ willingness to work and the concerns and persuading factors towards working during infectious influenza pandemics. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 266 nurses; 89 (33.5%) professional nurses working in a tertiary hospital and 43 (16.2%) working in a primary care facility, 105 (50.4%) undergraduate nursing students from the Faculty of Nursing and 29 (10.9%) students from the Secondary Technical Nursing School. None of the studied nurses provided nursing care to H1N1 patients during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic but if forced to do so, 41.5% would not be willing to report to duty. Fear about their families’ health and increased workload were the main concerns of professional and student nurses (p>0.05). Increased rates of infection (OR=3.33) and deaths (OR=2.75) among colleagues and school closure (OR=7.08) were significant concerns for the student compared to professional nurses (p<0.05). Receiving treatment for one self and for family came on top of the persuading factors for all nurses. While vaccination for oneself (OR=2.3) and family (OR=2.0) came on top of the persuading factors for the nursing students (p<0.05). The study concluded that providing nurses with appropriate education, training, supply of adequate protection and psychosocial support should be considered on preparing plans for influenza pandemics.


Ahdi Amer is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, USA. He has expertise in the field of general academic pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases. His main areas of interest are vaccine development, vaccine safety and various pediatric infectious and dermatological disorders. He has conducted clinical research supported by the WHO, Merck and Pfizer regarding vaccines and other topics related to infectious and dermatological diseases in children. He has consulted for UNICEF and WHO on the issue of diarrheal diseases and presented in several international settings on immunization topics.


Background & Aim: Annual vaccination of children against seasonal influenza with trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) has shown to be beneficial. However, this yearly practice may have unintended effect. Studies have shown that infection with wild type influenza A viruses can stimulate protective heterotypic immunity against unrelated or new influenza subtypes. We hypothesized that a consequence of yearly TIV vaccination is lack of induction of heterotypic immunity against the recent H1N1 pandemic.

Methods: This was a retrospective case-control study. We reviewed the medical records of polymerase chain reaction confirmed cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza infection in children 6 months to 18 years and a matched control group seen during the pandemic.

Results: We identified 353 polymerase chain reaction confirmed H1N1 cases and 396 matching control subjects. Among the H1N1 group, 202/353 (57%) cases received a total of 477 doses of seasonal TIV compared with 218/396 (55%) in the control group who received a total of 435 doses. Seasonal TIV uptake was significantly higher in the H1N1 group 477/548 (87%) than in the control group, 435/532 (81%) (P=0.017).

Conclusion: Seasonal TIV uptake was significantly higher in H1N1-infected group. The finding suggests that the practice of yearly vaccination with TIV might have negatively affected the immune response against the novel pandemic H1N1 strain. Given the rarity of pandemic novel influenza viruses and the high predictability of seasonal influenza occurrence, the practice of yearly influenza vaccination should be continued. However, the use of live attenuated intranasal vaccine, as opposed to TIV, may allow for the desirable development of a vigorous heterotypic immune response against future pandemics.


He is a Medical Doctor, Epidemiologist and Immunologist. He has worked at the Ministry of Health of Mexico as Epidemiologist and Head of Research and Training of the National Immunization Program. He was Member of the "Steering Committee on Epidemiology and Field Research" of WHO, and temporary consultant for the Expanded Program on Immunization of WHO/PAHO in Geneva, Washington DC, five Latin American countries, and  Consultant for 10 countries of Southeast Asia (WHO headquarters, New Delhi). He currently serves on the National Institute of Public Health as Researcher, Professor of "Vaccines and Public Health" and visiting professor of Infectious Diseases. He has directed 20 theses of BA, Medical Specialization and Master of Public Health.  He is member of the National System of Researchers and of the National Institutes of Health. He has performed controlled clinical trials of MMR vaccines applied by aerosol and evaluated immune response to other vaccines. He is Technical Secretary of National Commission for Documentation and Verification of Measles-Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome Elimination, and is a member of the PAHO Regional Committee for Certification of Final Eradication of Poliomyelitis.  He has published 49 articles and 16 book chapters or manuals.


Background: Endemic transmisión of measles was interrupted in 1995 in Mexico and in 2002 in Latin American countries, with reintroduction of temporal endemic transmission in Brazil in 2013. In September, 2016 The Americas were declared as free region of endemic transmission of measles, by the International Committee of Experts of PAHO.  

Objective: Describe the role of international travels in the incidence of measles cases in México and in some Latin American countries.

Material and methods: Description and analysis of available information in epidemiological literature and web sites about measles transmisión in the post-elimination era in Mexico and in some Latin American countries.

Results: To achieve measles elimination different strategies have been implemented in Latin American countries. Data from imported cases are presented as well as the consequences of these importations in terms of the occurrence of hot cases, primary cases and secondary cases associated to importations in the post-elimination era of measles. Many of importations and secondary cases have occurred in Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico and have related to international travels to or from different parts of the world. Some characteristics of the molecular epidemiology of the imported cases and risk of transmission to other passengers and the crew are described in this presentation.

Conclusions: International travelers under conditions of susceptibility are at risk of acquiring measles even in countries without endemic transmission. Both epidemiological surveillance of high quality and high immunization coverage could explain the absence of secondary cases in the native population of those countries.

Magdalena Tary-Lehmann

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA

Title: Challenges and successes of measuring antigen-specific immune responses

Magdalena Tary-Lehmann is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Case Western Reserve University (CASE) Department of Pathology, Co-Founding Scientist and Chief Scientific Officer for Cellular Technology Limited (CTL). She has published more than 75 papers in peer-reviewed journals. She provides guidance and oversight for technical operations in the GLP laboratory, ensuring the ongoing scientific excellence of CTL. Over the past decade, she has worked with clients and regulatory agencies to develop and validate reference samples and controls for use in regulated immune monitoring assays.


Assessing immunogenicity is a challenge in the biopharmaceutical industry, as an increasing number of new drugs and vaccines aim to elicit a response from the cellular components of the immune system. Antigen specific responses for white blood cells such as T, B, NK and others, is of paramount importance throughout the drug/vaccine development cycle in both the preclinical and clinical phases. It is often the case that cell responses are studied based upon population levels that presume outcomes, but do not clearly enumerate the products individual cells have released. Lack of sensitivity in these assays can lead to misinterpretation of results. Therefore, it may be of key importance to employ an assay that produces high sensitivity based upon single cell responses. For this reason, assays such as ELISA and flow cytometry should be complemented with a single cell assay such as ELISPOT. Measurements of antibodies in bodily fluids (e.g., by ELISA) have provided robust and reproducible results for decades and such assays have been validated for monitoring of B cell immunity. While T cells play a critical role, reliable measurements of antigen specific T cell responses ex vivo remain seemingly problematic, as typically, T cells occur in very low frequencies in test samples, such as peripheral blood with the need to test live cells in functional assays ex vivo. Early considerations to the standardization of specimen processing, cryopreservation, sample management and assay systems are vital steps for the successful design and execution of pre-clinical and clinical trials that deliver consistent and regulatory acceptable immune monitoring data. Examples of such successful T cell monitoring in vaccine evaluations will be presented.

  • H1N1 Influenza Virus -Immunology and Genetics Features | Ebola, Arboviral dieases and Haemorrhagic Fever | Vaccines against Infectious & Non-infectious diseases


Jorge Alberto Panameno Pineda

Fundacion Salvadorena para la Inmunoinfectologia y Medicina Tropical, USA


Valery A Petrenko is currently a Professor in Auburn University, USA. He was graduated from Moscow State University (1972), received PhD and DSc degrees from the Institute of Organic Chemistry (1976) and Moscow State University (1988) and has ranks of Senior Scientist (1984) and Professor in Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Biology (1992) from the Government of the USSR. He has served as a Senior Scientist (1977-1982), Laboratory Head (1982-1985), Associate Director of Research, Institute Director (1985-1989), Vice President of Research and Professor (1989-1993) in the Association “Vector” (Novosibirsk, Russia). In 1993, he has joined the faculty of University of Missouri, Columbia as a Visiting and Research Professor and in 2000 the faculty of Auburn University as Professor. He is the recipient (PI) of grants from the ARO, NIH-NCI, Calvert Research, LLC and AURIC. He is also a Member of National Academy of Inventors Chapter (2013), Auburn University Research Initiative in Cancer (AURIC), National Cancer Institute (NCI) Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer (2009) and Phi Zeta Honor Society of Veterinary Medicine. His research interests include monitoring and detection of biological threats, diagnosis of infectious and cancer diseases and tumor targeting.


During natural evolution, viruses have evolved into molecular structures with optimized relationships with a host. In particular, viruses acquired surface peptides that allow them to attach to a host cells and invade into the cells through interaction with cellular receptors and co-receptors. Identification of these cell-recognition peptides would offer a strong basis for development of antiviral drugs, vaccines and diagnostics, prediction of viral drifts from one host to another and prediction and control of emergent infections. Bacteriophage Fd possesses no natural tropism to mammalian cells and is suitable as a vector for generating random peptide phage-displayed libraries. It was shown that phages selected from these libraries are able to specifically recognize cellular receptors and penetrate into sub-cellular compartments during their artificial molecular evolution in vitro, similarly to evolution observed with naturally evolved viruses. We hypothesized that selection of cell-associated phage variants from their multi-billion clone libraries and bioinformatic analysis of their cell-binding peptides in comparison with proteins of natural viruses would allow the elucidation of functional virus-host binding sites used during viral pathogenesis. To test our hypothesis, we enriched a subpopulation of phages that interact with human small airway epithelial (SAE) cells and identified the recovered sequences by next-generation sequencing. We then analyzed the phage sequence library against consensus sequences of representative viral proteins, such as hemagglutinin (HA) from different influenza strains over the past 6 years and 5 of the last major pandemics. Several families of peptides were identified with high structural homology to some previously recognized functional segments of HA in the mature viral particles. The identified regions were associated primarily with the membrane fusion peptide domain and the HA0 cleavage site. However other regions were identified suggesting identification of residues involved with a potential co-receptor binding site (CoRBS). The identified peptides revealed regions of HA that were not previously identified as a receptor binding site (RBS) or common antigenic region. Our findings justify the hypothesis that similar mechanisms of molecular adaptation are used in viruses to adjust HA proteins to mammalian cell receptors. After testing their immunological activity, the identified phage peptides can be used as lead compounds for construction of molecular and phage-based vaccines to protect the host from the corresponding virus.


Antonio Mastroianni, M.D,Jul 1996—-present, is currently working as a medical physician specialist in Infectious Diseases & Tropical Diseases with a “high degree in antibiotic and antifungal treatment” at Presidio Ospedaliero “G.B. Morgagni – L. Pierantoni”, Dipartimento di Medicina Specialistica, Unità Operativa Malattie Infettive, Forlì, Italy


Malaria and dengue (DENV) are both common in the tropical countries in geographical areas where both the vectors (Anopheles mosquito and Aedesmosquito, respectively) coexist. Simultaneous infections in areas where both diseases are co-endemic in many places of the world are possible, although under-recognized and not frequently reported. The aim of this report is to describe two imported cases of dual infection with falciparum malaria and DENV in a 20-year-old Italian girl and in a 13-years old Jessica after returning from Burkina Faso, the first case series of imported DENV and falciparum malaria co-infection in Italy. We emphasize the need for increased surveillance of the possible malaria and DENV co-infection in travelers after returning in Europe from endemic areas. Diagnostic assessment of imported fever should rely mainly on geographic exposure, on specific risk profiles and clinical parameters. Differential diagnosis may be particularly critical and early diagnosis of the main tropical conditions would further improve patient management. Malaria and DENV have similar clinical findings but the treatment of these two illnesses is different and consequently diagnosis of one should not rule out testing for the other infection. A literature search suggest that dual infections are not uncommon and it would have different implications for clinicians, including unexpected clinical and laboratory findings. Clinicians should maintaining a high level of clinical suspicion against both malaria and dengue and the possibility of co-infection in the evaluation of international travelers returning in a European country from endemic areas usually in the tropics.


My academic evolution was realized at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Conakry, Guinea (1968-1973; PharmD in 1973), the Institute of Pharmacy (Free University of Brussels, Belgium ;1983-1986), the Tropical Medicine Institute of Antwerp, Belgium (1985-1987), the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Antwerp, Belgium (1986-1991; PhD in 1990). I’ve been the chief of the department of pharmacy (University of Conakry) from 1998 to 2010 and I’m the General Manager of the Research and Valorization Center on Medicinal Plants (Dubreka) since 2000. As a full professor, I’m teaching pharmacognosy, ethnopharmacology and phytochemistry to students of pharmacy, biology and chemistry in the Guinean universities.


Like many other emerging diseases, the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa illustrated the crucial role of the ecological, social, political and economic context within which diseases emerge. In the infected areas, the threat of Ebola has limited the ability of local health-care systems to provide standard care, leaving people with Ebola or non-Ebola Virus Disease-related health disorders without necessary care. Moreover, the mistrust towards the official authorities along with the fear of the disease prevents a number of patients to consult the conventional health care centers. Consequently, millions of Guinean people remained at risk of contamination. For these, traditional medicine has been continued to be the first and most important source of medicinal solace when illness strikes health. While international efforts focus on new vaccines, medicines and diagnostics, no coherent national or international approach exists to integrate the potential of the traditional health practitioners (THPs) in the management of infectious diseases epidemics. In spite of its social importance, traditional medicine continues to be largely disregarded in health development planning. An ethnomedical survey conducted in the 4 main Guinean regions led to the contacts of a total of 113 traditional health practioners and the collection of 54 plant species from which 44 identified belonging to 26 families. The traditional treatment of the main symptoms was based on 47 vegetal recipes which were focused on the treatment of diarrhea (22 recipes), fever (22 recipes), vomiting (2 recipes), external antiseptic (2 recipes), hemorrhagic syndrome (2 recipes), convulsion and dysentery (one recipe each). Literature data on the 12 most cited plant species tends to corroborate their traditional use and to highlight their pharmacological potential. Upon the above considerations and taking into account traditional health practitioners have always played a central role in the medical management of their community and tend to be the entry point for care in many African communities, particularly in remote rural areas, it is worth to document all available knowledge on the traditional management of EVD-like symptoms in order to evaluate systematically the anti-Ebola potential of Guinean plant species.


James W. Gillespie graduated from Auburn University with a BS in Biochemistry (2007) and completed a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (2015). In 2016, he joined the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Auburn University as a Research Assistant Professor. He has served as Key Personnel and Co-PI on grants from the NIH-NCI and AURIC. He is a member of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), American Chemical Society (ACS), Auburn University Research Initiative in Cancer (AURIC), and the National Cancer Institute Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer (2009-2015). His current research interests include phage display, development of precision nanomedicines, and prevention/diagnosis/treatment of neoplastic and infectious deceases.


Viruses lack the ability to replicate without a host. Therefore, to ensure replication and continued persistence in an environment they must acquire mutations in their capsid proteins, through natural selection, to allow specific interactions with receptors expressed on a host cell. These interaction sites are ideal targets for vaccine development or therapeutic drug development, but identification can be time consuming or highly variable due to antigenic drift and rapid mutation rates of the virus. The filamentous bacteriophage, fd, has no natural tissue tropism to mammalian cells, but can be engineered to display short peptides fused to the 4,000 copies of its major coat protein. We hypothesize that these engineered phages can be used to predict interaction sites of natural viruses with a host. Here, we enriched for a sublibrary of phage clones that interact with small airway epithelial (SAE) cells from a multi-billion phage library and identified the recovered sequences by next-generation sequencing (NGS). Representative consensus sequences for influenza hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) proteins were generated using the NCBI Influenza Virus Resource. Using blastp with settings optimized for short peptides, the resulting sequences were searched against our recovered phage sublibrary interacting with SAE cells. Several peptides with high structural homology to either influenza structural proteins were identified. The recovered peptides were found near previously identified functional domains including, the membrane fusion domain and the HA0 cleavage site of HA. Additional domains were identified suggesting residues that may be involved with a co-receptor binding site. Here, we justify the use of phage display as an artificial evolution system in combination with next generation sequencing datasets to identify virus-host interaction sites based on the protein sequence of the virus. This technique can be extended to broader applications to rapidly identify interaction sites of novel pandemic or high-risk viral pathogens.

Merita Kucuku

National Agency for Medicines & Medical Devices, Albania

Title: Title: The safety of yellow fever vaccine, international experience for different cases

Merita Kucuku is currently working in National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Albania for safety, control and efficacy of vaccines. She was the Head of National Regulatory Authority of Vaccines & Immunobiological Products of Albania from 2006-2012. She has completed her MSc in 2006 and PhD on University of Tirana in Faculty of Natural Science Tirana Albania in 2010. She is a Member of Abortion WG for safety of the Global Alignment of Immunization Safety in Pregnancy (GAIA Project), Member of working group for case definiton-vasculitis, arranged from AIFA-Italy & Brighton Collaboration Geneva Switzerland and Member of reference group for the first five neonatal & first five obstetric case definitions related to immunization in pregnancy.


Yellow fever virus is from family flaviviridae and is endemic in African countries and Latin America. Over 900 million people are living in endemic area and are risked from infection of yellow fever. Illness ranges in severity from a self-limited febrile illness to severe liver disease with bleeding and is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical findings, laboratory testing and travel history, including the possibility of exposure to infected mosquitoes. There is no specific treatment for yellow fever; care is based on symptoms. The steps necessary to prevent yellow fever virus infection includes using insect repellent, wearing protective clothing and getting vaccinated. Yellow fever vaccine is recommended for endemic countries and over 500 million people are vaccinated with yellow fever vaccine 17D. The countries which are not endemic are recommended to vaccinate people in cases of travelling in endemic areas to avoid the importation of yellow fever virus and epidemic outbreak in country. The cases of yellow fever are reported in countries free of yellow. According the data based on the different studies in different countries the Yellow Fever 17D and 17DD is very safe vaccines and effective against illness and the best way for preventing yellow fever infection.


Michele Stone has completed her PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from University of Maryland, Baltimore and Postdoctoral studies also at the University of Maryland in the fields of Physiology and Neuorscience. She is currently the Executive Director of Vaccines at Liquidia Technologies, a premier biotechnology company focused on development of particulate based drug products to provide global health solutions. She has published more than 15 patents and many articles in reputed journals. She has a PMP certification and brings a perspective of life cycle management to product development.


The future of vaccine development will integrate quality by design at vaccine conception to ensure desired efficacy and safety product profiles. The ability to define protective immune responses and desired mechanisms to target appropriate immune cells would be a key advantage in the development of next generation vaccines. For respiratory diseases like Flu and Pneumonia, protection from disease is generated by antibodies recognizing surface antigens. Intracellular pathogens like Mycobacterium tuberculosisrequire more sophisticated immunological responses to both control and eliminate disease. The evolution of vaccine development has evolved from inactivated whole cell microorganisms, to subunit vaccines that contain protein or protein-PS conjugates, to next generation vaccine candidates that include completely synthetic systems. Novel technologies allowing developers to design vaccines targeting specific immune response via selection of protective antigens with or without adjuvants would enable more directed immune targeting and potentially provide increased efficacy with improved safety outcomes. The PRINT® technology is a novel particle platform technology designed to incorporate quality early in the development process. The PRINT technology enables unique formulation advantages that have broad implications to vaccines development and production methodologies. The induction of potent immune responses to multiple protein/polysaccharide antigens without adjuvants has been demonstrated with PRINT particles. Co-delivery of antigens and adjuvants has been shown to improve both T cell and B cell immune responses including adjuvant dose sparing. Formulation of combination vaccine products containing incompatible components has also been shown with PRINT particles. The advantages demonstrated to date by the PRINT technology could profoundly impact the vaccine industry as products are brought to the clinic.